A Pirate’s Life

May 7, 2022

What did the pirate say about the winds?

RRRRRRRRRG you kidding me?

We can relate to that joke….Probably the last day out for a few days due to the high winds coming our way this week. Three offshore boats put on their pirate hats and hit the sea coming back in with gaffer mahi, yellow fin tuna and released marlins. 

Even though our nearshore boats didn’t have trips, they still went out and played around since the cobia’s are starting to come in while also catching blue fish and spanish mackerel. 

Our inshore boats laid low today but the drum and trout are still biting sound side. 

Sheepshead bites are strong on the Bonner Pier. 


Mahi – 36#

Mahi – 41.08#

Cobia – 46#/60in

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